Tips to safely store your valuables at home

4 Tips To Safely Storing Your Valuables At Home

October 5, 2020 by

Burglars are mostly opportunistic, which means that they don’t have a lot of time to search for valuables in a home to steal. Any successful burglary occurs when opportunity meets a lack of preparation. This means that making a few changes to the way you store your valuables and improving your home security can reduce the likelihood of becoming a target and outsmarting burglars if they proceed with their attack.

If you want to store your jewelry and money safely in your home, the first thing you should do is think like a thief. This means considering the places where valuables are likely to be stored, and where you might check if you were to attack your home. If you keep your jewelry, money, and other valuables in places that are obvious targets, then you need to improve your home security to reduce the chances of a successful burglary.

That said, it may not always be practical to store all your valuables in a hidden safe or storage locker, like expensive art work or Rolex watch, because you’ll be robbing yourself of their enjoyment by putting them away. Fortunately, there are a few creative ways to secure your high-value possessions at home and reduce the risk of theft. These include:

1. Installing security cameras

To ensure the safety of valuables, you must first take measures to prevent intrusions into your home and property. A security camera setup is one of the most important components of a comprehensive home security system, as it helps to deter thieves. There are many types of surveillance cameras today that can be professionally installed with the option for remote monitoring, as well as DIY cameras that are easy to set up for self-monitoring.

Security cameras should be installed above every entrance to your home, as well as windows and other blind spots where thieves may attempt to break into your house. Ideally, security cameras should deter most burglars. However, for those who continue to break into your home, their actions will be caught on camera, and the footage used to assist in their capture and prosecution, as well as finding your stolen valuables.

2. Locking up your home and maintaining activity

Again, before considering where to hide your valuables, you shouldn’t make it easy for burglars to access your home. Make sure to lock up doors and windows every time you go out, even if it’s only a few minutes. Most burglars are opportunistic, which means that they may simply walk in through an unlocked door or window if they suspect that there’s no one home.

If you travel regularly, leaving your home unattended will make it an easy target for thieves. So consider getting a smart home alarm system. With an integrated home alarm system, you will be able to control your lights, thermostat, curtains, entertainment system, and other smart-connected devices to create the impression that there’s someone in the house. Moreover, you can monitor your security cameras remotely on your smartphone or tablet, if there are people who will be accessing your home while you’re away, like the gardener or someone to walk your dog.

If you’re expecting mail, you can ask one of your neighbours or a family member to routinely check for mail. With a doorbell camera, you can get alerts when packages are delivered so you can make the necessary arrangements for someone to pick them up.

3. Stashing money in different places around your home

It’s important that you keep your curtains drawn at night and move valuables to other rooms where they’re not visible when strangers pass by your house. Rich people tend to store their jewelry, expensive watches, sensitive documents, money, and other valuables in a safe. Burglars expect this, however, so they will naturally search for a safe immediately if they enter your home.

It’s unfortunate that many home safes are not as impenetrable as they claim to be. You can even find YouTube videos demonstrating how to break into a safe! To secure your money and valuables, find good different hiding spots around your home, such as:

  • Books. You can put some cash inside a few of your favourite books and put them back on the bookshelf.
  • Freezer bag. Consider putting some cash in a freezer bag. You should close it securely and then stash it at the back of your freezer. Even if a burglar gets hungry while searching through your home, they’re unlikely to check the freezer.
  • Fake bottom of a potted plant. Flowers and greenery are a common sight in the home, and no one expects you to hide any valuables in the dirt. So a secret compartment in the pot can provide a great hiding spot for your money, documents, and expensive jewelry.

4. Hiding jewelry and other valuables in creative places

Storing jewelry in a jewelry box provides easy access when you want to wear them. However, this also leaves items in the open for burglars once they’re done searching for the home safe. While you can still use a jewelry box for your regular jewelry, you should consider other, more unlikely spots to hide your expensive gold, diamond, and silver pieces. Here are some creative and convenient hiding spots in your home:

  • Acoustical tile ceiling. Simply remove a tile, hide your valuables, and then restore it with a magnetic fastener.
  • Wall-outlet safe. Thieves try to be as fast as possible. Even if they suspected that there are valuables hidden in a standard electrical outlet, they wouldn’t have the time or tools to unscrew it. Moreover, a wall safe should be both burglar and fireproof.
  • False ceiling. This can be a great addition to your regular ceiling to hide your valuables in the open, but in a place no one would suspect. This should accommodate a considerable number of light valuables, including jewelry, documents, and money.
  • Door “safe”. You can chisel out a small space at the top of one of your inner doors to create a “safe” for small valuables.
  • Hollowed-out table or chair leg. You can drill from the bottom of the leg to hide small valuables, and then cap all four legs with rubber tips.

Other creative places to hide things include:

  • Hollowed-out fireplace logs
  • Underneath insulation in your basement or attic
  • Lining of drapes
  • Underside of a desktop
  • Inside a lamp

Final Note

When choosing a spot to hide your valuables, avoid obvious places such as drawers, behind wall hangings, inside figurines, mattresses, and under chairs or carpets. Also, avoid keeping large amounts of cash in your house even if you have great home security. Finally, whenever you make expensive purchases, don’t throw the boxes and containers in the rubbish so openly as this could attract thieves.

To secure your home against break-ins, contact Canadian Security Professionals at 1-877-494-9911 or here at our website.

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