7 reasons why small businesses need a security system

7 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need a Security System

July 27, 2023 by

You might think that security systems are just for larger companies. The bigger the company, the more they need to protect. While this may have been true at one point in history, the reality is even small businesses need protection. 

Essentially, if your business is such that it requires a physical location that is not your basement or garage, then it deserves the same protection as its larger competitors. Realistically, it is even more deserving, as this is your life and dream. What’s more important than that?

With the above in mind, let’s take a look at the benefits and reasons why you should invest in a system to secure what you worked so hard to achieve.

1. Heightened security coverage

You can’t be everywhere at once; at some point, you need to go home. With added security, you can monitor and watch over your business from your own residence. 

Features like cameras and access codes with smart locks mean that you can have eyes watching inside and out, especially in dimly lit areas like hallways and parking lots. This way, you can see who is coming and going and at what times. 

Security coverage inside and out also helps to deter employee theft and gives the police stable and usable evidence if there is a break-in. This coverage provides you peace of mind when you go home and relax after a long day.

2. Deter thieves

Security systems not only give you the best peace of mind, but they act as a deterrent for potential criminals. 

Visible cameras, security system sensors, alarm system keypads, smart door locks, and motion-activated lights are just some of the devices that work for you without you having to think about them. These devices let the criminals know that you take things seriously, and it’s harder for them to break in without being caught.

Should they still attempt to do so, then you have video evidence that not only allows the police to see faces, but is time-stamped and captured in real-time. Depending on the system you invest in, the monitoring station may even talk to the criminals to dissuade them from entering or to advise that the police are on the way.

3. Monitor natural disasters

There are things we cannot predict or plan for. Natural disasters, or “acts of God”, are such events.

Although security systems cannot stop them from occurring, they can record what happens before, during, and after. Insurance companies will require this data to cover any losses, especially if the premises are looted after a natural disaster.

If an event occurs during business hours, the alarm company can alert emergency services and track who is on-site during the incident. With certain features, they can even talk to people trapped within and advise them that help is on the way.

4. Fire monitoring

Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire alarms are standard features with any security system for a home or business.

They are the first responder on the premises, alerting you and your employees to a fire or dangerously high levels of gas build-up and contacting emergency services to come to your aid.

Knowing that you can be alerted quickly helps make your employees feel safer and increase productivity.

5. Remote monitoring

Your small business is a big business to you. The ability to monitor and receive alerts when you are not there is a huge asset. Smart apps on our smartphones mean that we control every aspect of our lives from the palm of our hands. So, why not do so with your security system?

Having the ability to arm your system from anywhere is a huge advantage in case your staff forget to arm the system when your business closes for the day. Also with a security app you can be notified on your smartphone if there is an emergency in real time. Furthermore you can see all event history including who disarmed the system and when a door is opened or closed, etc.

More than that, if you are closed for a period of time, and you can’t remember if you turned off the lights or turned down the thermostat, you can do so from your phone. This helps you to save on utility bills. If you are a new company, saving money where possible is a great way to keep your budget under control.

6. Attract more customers

As a business, you want to attract as many people as possible to your company. As a consumer, you are attracted to certain businesses more than others. Why is this so?

It’s not just the marketing and bright colours, brand promotion, or social media that bring people to you. A business alarm system in Canada has an unconscious appeal to people that invites them to your location. It says you take your business and customers seriously and want to protect them. 

This also has an impact on your business’ reputation. Other companies will take notice, and you’ll gain a certain level of respect for taking the steps you need to protect your livelihood.

7. Lower insurance rates

One of the ultimate goals in life is more for less. A business security system can do just that for you! Investing in a security system lets your insurance company know that you mean business and want to protect it. You may also qualify for a tax break, thus saving you more money.

As a deterrent to criminals, it helps to protect against financial loss from thefts. While it may not seem like a lot, over the year, the savings will add up, and you can get financially healthier, or at least you can stop worrying about some of your costs.

Contact the Business Security System Professionals

The size of your business doesn’t matter. A security system is a great benefit for everyone, from increasing customers and your business’ reputation to protecting the dream and investment you have made in making your company a reality. 

Fortunately, at Canadian Security Professionals, we are here to help you. We provide everything from fire alarms to smart apps for remote monitoring. Whatever your needs, we have a security system designed with you in mind. For more information, you can call us at 1-877-494-9911 or contact us online.

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911 Golf Links Road #114,
Ancaster, ON L9K 1H9

Phone: 1-877-494-9911



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Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

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