7 security camera tips for businesses

7 Security Camera Tips for Businesses

February 27, 2024

In today's world, where everything we do is via the web, from banking to shopping, there is a lot of focus on ensuring your online presence is secured. Yet, it doesn't remove the need to protect your physical location. However, criminals are counting on this. Websites have security plugins to help and other services to ensure your online business is secure.
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6 tips to safeguard your home while away on summer vacation

6 Tips to Safeguard Your Home While Away on...

June 7, 2023

You work hard all year round and that summer vacation is getting closer and closer. As you plan what excursions to do while away, ensure you carry out some basic maintenance on your home before you leave. A house that looks locked up and vacant is like a beacon to potential criminals.
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3 security tips to protect your home this spring

3 Security Tips to Protect Your Home This Spring

April 4, 2023

When the snow clears, most of us will start to clean up our yards and plan for new landscaping and yard work. However, this is also the perfect time to check out your property and look for any sign of things that need to be repaired or improved.  Even some minor changes to your property can help protect your home and family and should not be ignored.  So, what are they?
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A Complete Guide to Keeping Your Home Safe in the Summer

A Complete Guide to Keeping Your Home Safe in the...

June 7, 2021

Summer is coming up and with it all the many joys that it brings. From beautiful weather to lazy days lounging in the backyard soaking up the sun, there’s a reason it’s one of the most beloved seasons. However, just because you’re relaxed and your kids are kicking back doesn’t mean that robbers and criminals have stopped doing their dirty deeds.
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Popular Stolen Items

The 5 Most Commonly Stolen Items

September 20, 2017

When thieves break in and steal from homes, there are often certain things that will particularly catch their eyes in their pursuit of ill-gotten gains. Yes, some criminals will take just about anything of value that they can potentially pawn off for some quick cash, but there are certain items that they particularly love to steal if given the chance.
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Canadian Security Professionals Logo

Head Office Address:

911 Golf Links Road #114,
Ancaster, ON L9K 1H9

Phone: 1-877-494-9911



Hours of Operation:

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Saturday: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM (EST)

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