6 common security system problems and how to fix them

6 Common Security System Problems and How to Fix Them

November 21, 2023 by

Technology advancements today work hard to keep your home and business safe, but there are still issues that can be encountered. Your alarm company monitors and works with you to ensure that these issues are limited and dealt with as soon as they arise.

Some common issues can pop up and are easy enough to fix without calling in a maintenance crew.

1. Old And New Don’t Always Mix

Over the years, parts of a home system may be replaced due to age or damage and upgraded as technology evolves.

There comes a point, however, where the old technology is no longer compatible with the new, which can cause blackouts or gaps in the system.  It will apply more to cameras and sensors in the beginning. Still, it will eventually spread to control panels if the system was initially installed when the home was constructed.

When the panel needs upgrading, your alarm company will come to your home to do this, but if it’s wireless cameras or door sensors, you can easily do this yourself.

With some cameras being wireless, so you don’t need to run wires through the house, and many door/window sensors being attached with double-sided tape and not required to be screwed into the window or the frame, you can make these minor upgrades in a few moments.

2. Blind Spots

When your system was installed, the coverage area may have been smaller than it is now.

Maybe you had some landscaping done, which has opened up areas, or you had a new structure like a shed built, and the cameras need to cover that. The area has built up around you over the years, and what was once considered a safe area now needs extra eyes on it.

Additional cameras can provide the cover for the blind spots that you now have. Simple installation means that you can have these areas covered within moments, and your cover once again looks after everything.

3. False Alarms

If your camera sensitivity or motion detector sensitivity is set too high, this can trigger multiple alarms every time the wind blows or leaves fly by in the field of vision.

Take the time to correctly set this to prevent multiple notifications and possible alarm soundings.

If there are large objects in the area that could trigger these false alarms, such as large trees or bushes, then adding something to them for the cameras to focus on, like decorations, helps them learn to disregard this and focus on other areas.

You could also instead have security cameras with smart analytics as these cameras give off very few false alarms . They don’t normally trigger from bad weather and they can differentiate between a person and a vehicle so that you only get notifications that matter.

4. Power Interruptions

Many new security systems are wireless and operate on special batteries. Control panels normally are wired to power and have a backup battery, but smart locks, security sensors and some doorbell cameras will use regular batteries.

Should the power grid in your area fail, these backup batteries kick in to prevent even a moment of interruption to your security. But if these batteries are not properly maintained, they could fail, rendering your system useless.

Regular maintenance is vital to preventing this loss of power. You can also inspect the equipment to ensure there is no visible damage that could lead to future problems.

5. Hack Attack

Cyberattacks happen. While there are defences to protect your system, like having dedicated cellular and internet access not shared with the rest of the household, your alarm system will still require a little help to remain fully secured and operational.

Keeping up with updates and security patches enables the system to be fully protected at all times. If you feel that it has been a long time since the last update, reach out to the call centre, and they can advise you and walk you through how to install it. Many newer alarm systems push firmware updates automatically to ensure they are always up to date.

6. Fill Those Gaps

Window and door sensors can wear out over time. The backing used to stick them to the frames can get old and peel off. They can also shift position, or if there is any damage to the frame itself, this can impact their function.

Dirt and grime build-up on the sensors can also trigger false alarms or won’t allow the system to alarm at all.

Ensuring all the sensors around the house are clean and in the right place will allow them to continue securing that part of the home.

While most break-ins happen on the ground floor, as this is typically the weakest area, it’s wise to install sensors on the upper floors as well, especially if there is an obvious way to climb up and enter the home.

Large upper decks, garden trellis, and garage roofs that are lower than the second-floor window are all areas that can be targeted. Fill the gaps by making sure all entry points are covered.

Protect Your Investment, and It Will Protect You

Your home security is there to protect you and your family. With state-of-the-art technology at your fingertips, you are safe knowing that someone is always watching out for you.

With some help, you can work with your system to ensure that what protects you is protected further.

Regular maintenance, updates, and cleaning will keep your system functioning at its peak performance.

Glancing up at your outdoor cameras while doing yard work or checking the clarity of the recordings on your phone lets you ensure things look good. A quick wipe down with a soft cloth while you clean the window sills as part of your regular cleaning prevents dirt and grime from stopping the sensors from sensing.

When you replace the batteries in your smoke detectors, take a moment to check the others in your cameras,smart locks, and alarm sensors.

Call Canadian Security Professionals at 1-877-494-9911 or go online for a free quote to upgrade your current system or to get your first system installed.

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911 Golf Links Road #114,
Ancaster, ON L9K 1H9

Phone: 1-877-494-9911



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